Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dog's photoshoot

I've been volunteering at the dog shelter SPCA for over a year, walking dogs and participating in their dog-mentor program. During this summer, I had also the chance to volunteer as photographer!

First, I took pictures during a Dog Behavior Workshop led by the dog trainer Dr Nee Kang ( I had previously helped in other of her workshops doing an exercise with Dhoby, but I think being the photographer fitted me better.

Ya hace algo mas de un año que voy como voluntaria al refugio de animales SPCA, paseajdo perros y en el programa "dog-mentor". Este verano, ademas, he tenido la oportunidad de ayudar como fotografa!

Primero hice las fotos durante un taller sobre Comportamiento de perros, conducido por la entrenadora de perros  Dr Nee Kang ( Ya habia ayudado en otro de sus talleres haciendo un ejercicio con Dhoby, pero creo que prefiero ayudar haciendo las fotos.

1. Nee working with Boy

And last Saturday with did a "glamour photoshoot" with some of the dogs. It was really fun!!! I had the chance to meet some of the mentors I had never talked to before, and of course their lovely mentees. Some of the scenes were specially fun, like major wearing the "army" stuff or Minty and her mentor busking at an overhead bridge.

Y el sabado pasado hicimos una sesion fotografica con algunos de los perros. Fue muy divertido!!! Tuve ademas la oportunidad de hablar con algunos de los otros "mentors" a los que no conocia, y por supuesto a todos los "mentees". Algunas de las representaciones fueron realmente divertidas, como Major y sus complementos de la armada o Minty y su mentor tocando la guitarra en un puente.

Here are some of the pictures:

Estas son algunas de las fotos:


Viking and his mentor jogging

Kaiser playing with his mentor


Major and his mentor

Minty and her mentor "busking"

Cosmo, very interested on the camera

Isn't Dhoby handsome?

Dhoby and his new friend Singa

Boy is so photogenic!
Boy having a selfie taken with his mentor

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