Friday, January 31, 2014

day 245

Welcome to the year of the horse! I finally went to the River Hongbao at night, the event held at a floating platform at Marina Bay to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Bienvenido al año del caballo! Por fin he ido por la noche al River Hongbao, una especie de feria en una plataforma flotante en Marina Bay para celebrar el Año Nuevo Lunar.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

day 243

Another fountain at Sentosa. Looks like it's the only thing that got our attention there, hehe!

Otra fuente en Sentosa. Parece que es lo unico que nos gusto alli, jeje!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

day 242

A sea of coins cover the main street of Chinatown during the Lunar New Year celebrations.

Un mar de monedas cubre la calle principal de Chinatown durante la celebracion del Año Nuevo Lunar.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

day 240

Chinatown was so crowded when we went on Sunday before CNY! The Festive Street Bazaar was probably one of the reasons. It was full of traditional new year's groceries; and apparently, different colors of pumpkin seeds is one of them.

Chinatown estaba lleno de gente el Domingo antes del Año Nuevo Chino. Supongo que el Bazar que habia por las calles, con diferentes alimentos tipicos del año nuevo, era una de las razones. Y por lo que vimos, las pipas de calabaza de diferentes colores es uno de ellos.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

day 239

This girl had just her henna tattoo done. I always liked this kind of tattoo, I should get one some day.

Esta chica acaba de hacerse un tatuaje de henna. Siempre me han gustado, deberia hacerme uno algun dia.

Friday, January 24, 2014

day 238

Last picture of the Hindu festival, I promise!

Ultima foto del festival hindu, prometido!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

day 237

I was so impressed with the Thaipusam Festival that I can help posting more photos of it. This man look like be in a trance, while smoking and dancing in front of a couple of men wearing the burdens.

Sigo tan impresionada por el festival hindu que no puedo evitar poner fotos de ese dia. Este hombre parecia estar como en trance, mientras fumaba y bailaba delante de algunos de los hombres que iban en penitencia.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

day 235

While people got ready to were the burden, there were relatives and friends preparing offerings.

Mientras la gente se preparaba para salir en la procesion, amigos y familiares hacian ofrendas.

Monday, January 20, 2014

day 234

Chinese New Year is coming and Chinatown is ready to celebrate. No need to say what year is coming right? There is a herd of horses along the main road of the neighborhood. It probably has lights at night, so I'll try to.

El Año Nuevo Chino se acerca, y Chinatown ya esta listo para celebrarlo. No hace falta que especifique cual es el animal del año, no? Hay una manada de caballos a lo largo de toda la calle principal. Imagino que estaran iluminados por la noche, asi que intentare ir por alli.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

day 233

It was On Sunday afternoon, we wanted to go somewhere not to far, so after a year living in Singapore, we decided to go for a walk to Sentosa. I don't think will come back there, but we took a few nice pictures.
Sentosa is a small island with a Universal Theme Park, fake beaches, hotels and restaurants. Nothing we didn't expected...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

day 232

Getting ready.
I might not agree with their believes, but it impress me what people are willing to do for their faith. Why is pain necessary? I've seen similar things (but not as much as this Hindu festival) in my country during Easter, and never got to understand it.

Terminando de prepararse.
Puede que no este de acuerdo con sus creencias, pero aun asi me impacta lo que la gente esta dispuesta a hacer por fe. Por que es necesario el dolor? Ha visto cosas parecidas (aunque no tanto como este festival hindu) en España durante Semana Santa, y nunca he sido capaz de entenderlo.

Friday, January 17, 2014

day 231

I had seen some pictures before, but when I got there and saw it alive it was breathtaking.  This is Thaipusam, an important holiday for the Tamil-speaking Hindu community in Singapore. I think it is the most impressive celebration I have ever attended.
I spent 3 hours at the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, where they were getting ready for their journey, and had the chance to see the whole process of preparation.
Everybody was really nice, allowing us (there was a lot of people taking pictures) to approach the worshipers to take good photos.
There were also many people playing music, and friends and relatives talk and sang in order to support and encourage them during the piercing process. Of course, it takes years of practice until they can wear the big kavadi-burdens, and none kind of anesthetic is applied, although they get their body ready for it.  
A week later (as always I have some delay in posting...) I am still "in shock".

Ya habia visto fotos antes de ir, pero cuando lo vi en directo fue mucho mas impresionante. Es Thaipusam, una importante fiesta religiosa de los Hindues Tamil-hablantes en Singapur. Creo que es una de las celebraciones mas impresionantes que he visto.
Estuve 3 horas en el templo Sri Srinivasa Perumal, donde se preparan para la procesion, y pude ver todo el proceso que requiere la preparacion.
Todos fueron muy agradables, y nos dejaban que nos acercaramos a ellos para hacer mejores fotos.
Habia tambien musicos, y familiares y amigos cantaban y hablaban a los devotos para apoyarles y animarles. Por supuesto, lleva años poder ponerse las estructuras mas grandes, y no usan ningun tipo de anestesia, aunque si preparan su cuerpo para la ocasion
Una semana despues del festival (como siempre voy con retraso...) estoy todavia en "shock"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

day 230

As every Thursday, I had the "After Ni Hao" group meeting. We usually meet at a cafe, but today, Zhu Yan, from China, offered to host, and together with her father, taught us some Chinese calligraphy. It was very fun learning some calligraphy, but it is really difficult! After some practicing, I was able to write 3 acceptable characters. Her father, who has very nice calligraphy, wrote Dui Lian for all of us in red paper to hang on our door for Chinese New Year.. Dui Lian are a pair of lines of poetry (in this case related to CNY and wishing prosperity), and as I said, they are written in red paper (everything is red for CNY). These 2 poems in vertical, together with a short one in horizontal on the top, must be hanged on the door, to protect the house from evil. I hanged mine as soon as I got home :)
Chinese calligraphy requires a lot of concentration. Characters must be balanced, and every stroke has its technique. It is a little bit like painting. I enjoyed it that much that I'm thinking about taking some class to learn more.

Como cada jueves, tenia la "clase" con el grupo de "After Ni Hao". Normalmente quedamos en un cafe, pero hoy Zhu Yan, de China, nos invito a su casa para enseñarnos un poco de caligrafia china. Fue divertido aprender un poco de caligrafia, pero es muy dificil! Despues de practicar un buen rato, fui capaz de escribir 3 caracteres un poco aceptables. Su padre, que tiene buena caligrafia, tambien estaba, e hizo Diu Lian para que todas pudieramos colgarlo en la puerta de casa.  Diu Lian son pares de poemas (en este caso relacionados con el Año Nuevo Chino y deseando prosperidad), y tiene que escribirse en papel rojo (todo esta en rojo para el Año Nuevo Chino). Estos dos poemas, escritos en vertical, junto con otro algo mas corto, escrito en horizontal y colocado encima de los otros dos, se cuelgan en la puerta de entrada de casa para protegerla del mal. Los mios ya esta colgados :)
Escribir caligrafia china requiere mucha concentracion. Los caracteres tienen que ser equilibrados, y cada pincelada tiene su tecnica. Es un poco como pintar. Me gusto tanto que estoy pensando en buscar una clase para aprender mas.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

day 229

These branches look so weird...

Que raras parecen estas ramas....

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

day 228

This tree gives a really good shade! It got our attention that all the trees on the southeast area of Big Island were leaning, any idea why that happens?

Que buena sombra da este arbol! Nos llamo la atencion que todos los arboles en la parte sureste de Big Island estaban inclinados, alguna idea de porque?

Monday, January 13, 2014

day 227

Board game at Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Park.

Juego de mesa en el Parque Nacional Pu'uhonua O Honaunau.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

day 226

Since we have been moving to another apartment, I didn't take many pictures this days....  So I decided to post some pictures we took this days last year during our trip to Hawaii before coming to Singapore. While drinking a delicious mango shake, I was lucky to take this photo. I like very much the colors of this gecko.

Como hemos estado de mudanza, no he tenido mucho tiempo para hacer fotos... Asi que he decidido poner algunas de las fotos que hicimos, justo hace un año, durante el viaje a Hawaii antes de venir a Singapore. Mientras nos tomabamos un riquisimo zumo de mango, tuve la suerte de hacer esta foto. Me encantan los colores de esta lagatija.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

day 225

Already a year since we left Santa Barbara, time flies! Such a beautiful place to live... At least I had the chance to enjoy it for almost a year :) And thanks to internet, I can keep in touch with the amazing people I met. I hope I can meet them some day again, and who know, maybe we can even return there.

Ya ha pasado un año desde que nos fuimos de Santa Barbara, que rapido pasa el tiempo! Un sitio precioso para vivir... al menos tuve la oportunidad de disfrutarlo durante casi un año :) Y gracias a internet, puedo estar en contacto con toda la gente que conoci alli. Espero volver a verles algun dia, y quien sabe, igual hasta podemos volver alli :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

day 224

Temporary decoration at Esplanade

Decoracion temporal en la Esplanade

Thursday, January 9, 2014

day 223

Supertrees and Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay. I waiting for someone to visit me to go into the Flower Dome :)

Supertrees y Flower Dome en Gardens by the Bay. A ver si viene alguien de visita y asi tiengo "excusa" para entrar a la Flower Dome :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

day 222

I already posted a picture of this sculpture, but from a totally different point of view (day 16). As I said, it's in the city, just behind the famous The Fullerton Hotel.

Ya puse una foto de esta estatua, pero desde una perspectiva totalmente diferente (dia 16). Como ya dije, esta en la "city", detras del famoso The Fullerton Hotel.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

day 221

Live Laugh Love. I like it

Vive Rie Ama. En ingles suena mejor, pero sigue gustandome la idea

Monday, January 6, 2014

day 220

Interesting sculpture in Raffles Place. It reminds me a little bit to the Atomium, but small version.

Interesante escultura en Raffles Place. Me recuerda un poco al Atomium, pero en version pequeña.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

day 219

At a Chinese cemetery in Krabi Town. It's written both in Chinese and Thai, can't decide which one is more difficult.

En un cementerio chino en Krabi Town. El grabado esta en chino y tailandes, pero no sabria decir cual de los dos es mas dificil.

Friday, January 3, 2014

day 217

Like a western movie door bar!

Como las puertas de los bares de las pelis de oeste!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

day 216

How can a branch grow like this?

Como puede una rama crecer asi?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

day 215

I've been wanting to go to Emerald Hill, next to Orchard Road, since my photography group went there, and Fulvio and I finally went there. It's a pretty street with old style houses, and we could take some nice shots.

Tenia ganas de ir a Emerald Hill, al lado de Orchard Road, desde que mi grupo de fotografia estuvo alli, y por fin Fulvio y yo hemos ido. Es una bonita calle con casitas antiguas donde se pueden bastantes fotos.