Saturday, May 31, 2014

day 365

I planned another picture for the last day, but weather didn't help. However, I like this one very much, and I still have plenty of time to take that picture before leaving Singapore.

Habia planeado otra foto para el ultimo dia, pero el tiempo no ha ayudado. Pero esta me gusta mucho, y aun tengo tiempo antes de irme de Singapur para hacer la otra.

Friday, May 30, 2014

day 364

I finally tried using Photoshop! I liked the picture, but since the background was green too, the plant didn't stand out very much. So we thought about using this B&W with a color. Not bad for the first time, what do you think?

Por fin me he decidido a usar Photoshop! Me gustaba esta foto, pero como el fondo tambien era verde, la planta no destacaba mucho. Asi que pensamos en utilizar el blanco y negro con un color. No esta mal para ser la primera vez, que os parece?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

day 363

One more of windows, I know..... But I liked the colorful window glasses and the light of the early morning after the rain.

Otra mas de ventanas, lo se.... pero me gustaban los cristales de colores y la luz de la mañana despues de la lluvia.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

day 362

I went with the photography group for an outing to Balestier Road. It was a very nice walk, and we all got great pictures. This monk was praying in one of the many temple we visited.

Hemos tenido salida con el grupo de fotografia al barrio de Balestier. Ha sido un bonito paseo, y todas hemos hecho buenas fotos. Este monje estaba rezando en uno de los templos que hemos visitado.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

day 361

This is Pancake. He used to jump a lot when you entered his kennel, but he is doing much better! And today he sat and waited until I took him the picture and gave him a treat.

Este es Pancake. Antes saltaba mucho cuando entrabas su jaula, pero ahora se porta mucho mejor! Y hoy se ha sentado y esperado hasta que le he hecho la foto y le he dado su premio.

Monday, May 26, 2014

day 360

Went back to the Botanic garden before my mahjong game, since I wanted to retake this picture. It could be one of my options for my photography group's next topic: frame within the frame.

He vuelto al jardin botanico antes de ir a jugar al mahjong, para volver a hacer esta foto. Podria ser una de mis opctiones para el proximo tema del grupo de fotografia: encuadre natural.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

day 359

Chopin's statue playing piano at the botanic garden. I would like to go to one the concerts there.

Estatua de Chopin tocando el piano en el jardin botanico. A ver si algun dia voy a alguno de los conciertos que hacer alli.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

day 358

I didn't plan this photo, but I'm happy it got this way.

No pensaba que esta foto fuera a salir asi, pero casi que me gusta mas de la que yo intentaba hacer :)

Friday, May 23, 2014

day 357

I finally got to see the burning of "money" and other paper objects for dead relatives. I hope it is not bad luck that one of those paper don't get totally burnt.

Por fin he visto quemar "dinero"y otros objetos de papel en honor a los familiares muertos. Espero que no sea mala suerte que uno de ellos no se queme totalmente.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

day 356

I saw the butterfly and run to take some pictures before it flied away. I'm afraid it wasn't going to move.... :(

Cuando vi la mariposa fui corriendo a hacer algunas fotos antes de que se fuera volando. Me temo que no se iba a mover.... :(

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

day 354

This is Rox. I don't usually walk him, and today I had some problems convincing him to return to the shelter, and needed help from 2 volunteers and some salmon (pig liver and sweet potato didn't work) to get him back in his kennel, hehe! But I would probably would do the same if I were him.
I'm now going twice a week to the SPCA, and spending more time with Dhoby, Mera and Tasha (day 200, 165 and 298) and they are doing great!

Este es Rox. No es uno de los perros a los que paseo normalmente, y hoy he tenido algunos problemillas convenciendolo de que volviera a la protectora, y he necesitado la ayuda de otros dos voluntarios y un poco de salmon (el higado de cerdo y patata no han funcionado) para que volviera a su perrera, jeje! Pero yo probablemente hubiera hecho lo mismo en su caso.
Ahora voy dos veces a la semana al SPCA, y estoy pasando mas tiempo con Dhoby, Mera y Tasha (dia 200, 165 y 298) y se estan portando genial!

Monday, May 19, 2014

day 353

Despite the hot weather, I always enjoy a walk to the Botanic Garden. Since it is close to where I play mahjong, I went for a walk in the morning and took some pictures.

A pesar del calor, me gusta ir de vez en cuando al Botanic Garden, y como pilla cerca de donde juego al mahjong, me he ido a dar un paseo por la mañana y he hecho algunas fotos

Sunday, May 18, 2014

day 352

I returned to the spiral staircase in Bugis, and this time they were again colorful. So yes, the first time I went they were being remodeled. I will have to return, though, because I want take again a picture with the 7-8 of them, since I don't like the ones I took.
It's a pity these spiral staircase are son hiden and in a not-very-pretty street.

Efectivamente, cuando fui la primera vez a las escaleras de caracol de Bugis las estaban remodelando, porque esta vez si que estaban pintadas de colores. De todas formas tengo que volver, porque quiero hacer una de las 7 o 8 que hay en la misma foto, porque que las que hice no me convencen.
Es una pena que estas escaleras tan chulas esten tan escondidas y en una calle no muy bonita.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

day 351

It looks like Tetris, but it's not. This board game is Blokus, and I had been wanting to buy for a very long time! We've been playing a lot since we bought it, and sometimes I close my eyes I only see its pieces, hahaha!! Who wants to play?

Parece el tetris, pero no lo es. Este juego de mesa es el Blokus, y llevaba mucho tiempo queriendo comprarlo! Hemos estado jugando mucho desde que lo compramos, y a veces cuando cierro los ojos solo veo piezas para encajar, jeje! Alguien quiere jugar?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

day 349

I liked the silhouette of this branch.

Me gusto la silueta de esta rama de arbol.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

day 348

No, I didn't go to any Arab country (yet). This mosque is here in Singapore, and in front of the building the name of it was in English, Arabic and Thai.

No, no me he ido a ningun pais arabe (aun). Esta mezquita esta aqui en Singapur, y en la fachada esta el nombre en ingles, arabe y tailandes.

Monday, May 12, 2014

day 346

Korn's paws are so cute! Probably is a feature of cocker spaniels, but they are quite big for a small dog and super soft! They remind me of a teddy bear.

La patas de Korn son tan monas! Seguramente es una caracteristica de los cocker spaniel, pero son bastante grandes para un perro pequeño y super suaves! Me recordaban a las de un oso de peluche.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

day 345

And here finally it comes the treat!
Ah, I forgot to say, these two were also adopted from the dog shelter SPCA :)

Por fin es su turno de recibir el premio!
Se me habia olvidado decir que ellos tambien fueron adoptados de la protectora de animales SPCA :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

day 344

Elliot is already enjoying his treat, while Korn waits patiently for his, really focus on it.

Elliot ya esta comiendose su premio, mientras Korn espera pacientemente el suyo, sin perderlo de vista ni un momento.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

day 342

Dogs are so cute when they are about to sleep... :) This is Korn. We took care of him and his "brother" Elliot for 6 days and had a lot of fun. It was great having dogs again at least for a few days!!!

Los perros son tan monos cuando se van a dormir.... :) Este es Korn. Estuvimos cuidando de el y de su "hermano" durante 6 dias y lo pasamos muy bien. Echabamos de menos tener perros!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

day 341

I didn't see this reflection on my first walk to Telok Ayer, so I went again since it is so close to the place where I have my meditation sessions on Wednesdays.

La primera vez que fui a Telok Ayer no vi este reflejo, asi que fui luego otra vez, ya que me pilla cerca de donde voy a clase de meditacion los miercoles

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

day 340

Most of the buildings in Singapore (except modern style ones) have this kind of roof. It took my many tries, but I finally took a pictures of them that I like.

La mayoria de los edificios en Singapur (excepto los modernos, claro) tienen este tipo de tejado. He tardado, pero por fin he hecho una foto de ellos que me gusta.

Monday, May 5, 2014

day 339

Shop-houses are always a good subject for pictures. I liked the sign, but I can't remember about the store itself....

Las shop-houses son siempre un buen tema para las fotos. Me gusto este carte, pero la verdad es que no me acuerdo de como era la tienda.....

Sunday, May 4, 2014

day 338

Big spiral staircase n a park between Chinatown and Telok Ayer.

Gran escalera de caracol en un parque entre Chinatown y Telok Ayer

Friday, May 2, 2014

day 336

And more mini-shrines. These ones were at the graves along the Fushimi Inari Taisha. It was interesting that some of these mini-shrines and other small statues wore a scarf... not sure of its meaning, any idea?

Mas mini-shrines. Estos estaban en las tumbas que habia en el Fushimi Inari Taisha. Me llamo la atencion que algunos de estos shrines pequeños y otras estatuas que estaban en las tumbas llevaban bufanda.. no tengo muy claro su significado, alguna idea?