Friday, February 28, 2014

day 273

 Don't need to explain why I like this sculpture, hehe!

No hace falta que explique porque me gusta esta estatue, no?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

day 272

One of the many tunnels in Singapore. It impressed me (although it shouldn't) how clean and safe they are. Besides, most of them are decorated, and not spoiled with unwanted drawings.

Uno de los muchos tuneles de Singapore. Me llamo la atencion (aunque no deberia de ser asi), lo limpio y seguro que son. Ademas, la mayoria estan decorados, y no hay pintadas que los estropeen.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

day 271

Most of the old-style houses has this kind of stairs. I found out that there was a street near Bugis where the houses were painted in bright colors. I found this street, but it was a disappointment, since all the houses were white now! I know I was in the right place since they were not painted properly, and it was still possible to see the former colors. I hope they are just restoring them or something like that... Anyway, I like this picture.

La mayoria de las casas antiguas tienen escaleras de caracol. Buscando en internet encontre que cerca de Bugis habia una calle donde ademas las casas estaban pintadas de colores. Encontre esta calle, pero me lleve una desilusion, porque todas las casas eran ahora blancas! Estoy segura de que estaba en el sitio correcto, porque aun se notaban los colores originales debajo del blanco. Espero que esten restaurandolas o algo asi... En cualquier caso, me gusta esta foto.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

day 270

During the CNY there was curly bamboo everywhere too, and I was thinking about buying one. Even though it should not be difficult to take care of it, given my previous experiences with plants, I'm not sure I could keep it alive...

Despues de ver tantas plantas de bamboo durante el año nuevo chino, estaba pensando en comprarme una. Pero dada mi historia con las plantas, y aunque teoricamente estas plantas no requieren muchos cuidados, no estoy segura de que sea capaz de que no se muriese....

Monday, February 24, 2014

day 269

Back in Arab Street for my Spanish-Chinese tandem.
I like the colors of this picture.

De nuevo en Arab Street para mi tandem español-chino.
Me gustan los colores en esta foto.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

day 268

 I couldn't help, I had to take this picture!! And the result was even funnier than I expected. I laughed so much when I saw it!! I hope it makes you laugh too :)

Tenia que hacer esta foto! Y el resultado es aun mas gracioso de lo que pensaba. No podia parar de reime cuando la vi!! Espero que os haga reir a vosotros tambien :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

day 267

The Spanish group meeting is now in Chinatown. I've been in that neighborhood more in the last month than in the last whole year. But I like it, and there is always some pictures to take, even while waiting to cross the street.

El grupo de español se junta ahora en un cafe the Chinatown. Estoy yendo en el ultimo mes a este barrio mas que en todo el año anterior. Pero me gusta, y siempre hay alguna foto que hacer, aunque sea mientras el semaforo se pone en verde para cruzar.

Friday, February 21, 2014

day 266

Did I say I'm enjoy my new lens? hehe! A few weeks ago I was even thinking about quitting the project, but I am again full of enthusiasm :) It's taking me time to adapt to it, but it's fun. In this picture, I was actually trying to get a foreground of the cats, a statue I had never seen before.
2 days until Sunday photo...

He dicho ya lo bien que me lo estoy pasando con este objetivo? jeje! Hace unas semanas estaba incluso planteandome no terminar el proyecto, pero vuelvo a estar con las mismas ganas otra vez :) Me esta costando acostumbrarme a el, pero es divertido. En esta foto por ejemplo, mi idea era hacer un primer plano de los gatos, ya que era la primera vez que los veia.
2 dias para la foto del domingo..

Thursday, February 20, 2014

day 265

Since I stayed at home, I tried some pictures around. This is the swimming pool at the condo we moved to. Smaller and maybe not as fancy as the other, but much cleaner and quite.
It's funny how this lens distort everything.

Como pase el dia en casa, he estado probando la camara por aqui. Esta es la piscina del piso en el que estamos ahora. Es mas pequeña y quizas no tan chula como la otra, pero mucho mas limpia y tranquila.
Es gracioso como esta lente distorsiona todo.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

day 264

I have a class on Wednesdays morning in Chinatown, so I brought the fish-eye to try it there. For this picture, I was almost touching these hanging decoration items.
Wait to see the Sunday photo...

Los miercoles tengo una clase en Chinatown, asi que me lleve el objetivo de ojo-de-pez para probarlo alli. Para esta foto estaba practicamente tocando estos objetos de decoracion.
Preparaos para la foto del domingo...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

day 263

Probably not a great picture, but I was trying to take a picture to my feet while waiting at a pedestrian crossing and got this one. It is possible even to see the people at the other side of the street! I know, I'm too excited about this new lens, hehe!

No es una gran foto, pero estaba probando a hacerme una foto en los pies, a ver como salia, mientras esperaba para cruzar un paso de peatones, y salio asi. Se puede hasta ver la gente al otro lado de la calle! Lo se, estoy demasiado emocionada con este objetivo, jeje!

Monday, February 17, 2014

day 262

Fulvio brought me a fish-eye converter he had in Italy. I had never tried a fish eye lens before, and it gives you a totally different perspective trough you camera. I could have never taken a picture like this one with my regular lens. It is soooo fun!!!! So I'm starting what I'm calling the "Fish-eye Week"!!

Fulvio me ha traido un objetivo que convierte en ojo de pez mi objetivo normal. Nunca habia probado una lente asi antes, y te da una perspectiva totalmente diferente a la normal. No hubiera podido hacer esta foto con mi objetivo normal. Ha sido tan divertido!!!!! Asi que voy a empezar lo que denominado la "Fish-eye Week"! O "semana del ojo de pez"

Sunday, February 16, 2014

day 261

More windows. I like the symmetry of this kind of pictures.

Mas ventanas. Me gusta la simetria en este tipo de fotos.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

day 260

I've been attending a Spanish group meeting for people from many different countries to practice their Spanish. Last Saturday we met at a coffee bar near Arab Street, and I went to take some shots too.

Las ultimas semanas he quedado con un grupo de español donde gente de otros paises queda para practica su español. El sabado pasado quedamos en un bar cerca de Arab Street, asi que aproveche para ir a hacer tambien unas fotos por alli.

Friday, February 14, 2014

day 259

I went with a friend to the Singapore Art Museum, since it was the last weekend of the Singapore Biennale. I arrived a bit earlier, so I took some pictures while I waited.

He estado en el Singapore Art Museum con una amiga para ver la Biennale de Singapore, ya que era el ultimo fin de semana. Como he llegado un poco antes de la hora, he aprovechado para hacer unas fotos mientras esperaba.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

day 258

More orchids. I liked the masks that decorated this area of the garden.

Mar orquideas. Me gustaron las mascaras que habia de decoracion en esta parte del jardin.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

day 257

Interesting orchid, looks a little like a carnivore flower, right?

Que orquidea tan chula, parece como una planta carnivora, verdad?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

day 256

I went to the Botanic Garden with the AWA photography group, and we entered the Orchid Garden. There were some horses' heads as CNY decoration but I didn't like them that much... At least this one had the whole body. And again more tangerines.

He estado en el Botanic Garden con el grupo de fotografia del AWA, y hemos entrado en el Jardin de Orquideas. Tambien alli habia decoracion del Año Nuevo Chino, aunque eran unas cabezas de caballo clavadas en una fuente y no me han gustado mucho.... Al menos este tiene todo el cuerpo. Y de nuevo mas mandarinas.

Monday, February 10, 2014

day 255

How well he behaves! This cute young dog is Shan, and he is only 8 months.

Que bien se porta! Este precioso perrito es Shan, y tiene solo 8 meses.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

day 254

I finally went to Chinatown at night. I wanted to take some picture of a parade, but it wasn't what I had in mind, so I just went for a walk and took some other pictures, like this one. I'll have to return, since some streets were closed and I couldn't take a few pictures I wanted to.

Por fin fui de noche a Chinatown. Queria hacer algunas fotos de un cabalgata de celebracion del año nuevo, pero no era lo que pensaba, asi que fui a hacer otras fotos, como esta. Tendre que volver, porque algunas calles estabas cerradas y no pude hacer algunas fotos que queria.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

day 253

I like the shop houses in Singapore. And of course the pink windows got my attention.

Me gustan mucho este estilo de casas (shop house). Y como no, me han llamado la antencion las rosas.

Friday, February 7, 2014

day 252

Tangerines everywhere to celebrate the CNY. They are consider a symbol of fortune, and people decorate their houses with their trees and give each other 2 mandarinas to wish them abundance good fortune.

Hay mandarinas por todos lados para celebrar el Año Nuevo Chino. Las mandarinas son un simbolo de riqueza y la gente decora sus casas con arboles de mandarinas, y se regalan un par de ellas para desearse abundancia y fortuna.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

day 250

I went for a walk to the River Hongbao after a class. I like the lights and its reflection on the water.

Fui a dar un paseo al River Hongbao despues de una clase. Me gustan las luces y los reflejos en el agua.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

day 249

Long time with a picture from Haw Par Villa. And I never posted any from the Ten Courts of Hell, probably because it's a bit disturbing. Anyway, I like the shadows.

Hace mucho que no pongo ninguna foto de Haw Par Villa. Y nunca habia puesto ninguna del Ten Court of Hell, probablemente porque es incluso mas extraño que el resto del parque. En cualquier caso, me gustan las sombras.

Monday, February 3, 2014

day 248

One more horse, hehe!! At least from another perspective :) And I didn't go at night yet, but still have 3 more weeks of CNY decorations.

Otro caballo, jeje!! Al menos desde otra perspectiva :) Aun tengo que ir de noche, pero todavia quedan 3 semanas de decoracion de año nuevo.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

day 247

This statue is just sooooo weird. I was told it was a gift from Indonesia, but that didn't give any clue either of its meaning. I just can't see the point of this huge floating baby.

Esta estatua es taaaaan rara. Por lo visto fue un regalo de Indonesia, aunque eso tampoco explica mucho. Soy incapaz de ver el sentido de un bebe enorme flotando.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

day 246

God of fortune. Apparently it give numbers several times a day, and I guess there is some kind of lottery or price later. I didn't get to see that part. 
For some reason the blog did something to the picture, because the black part should be totally black, and here it looks like weird....

Dios de la fortuna. Por lo visto da numeros varias veces al dia, y me imagino que luego habra algun sorteo, pero yo no he llegado a ver nada de eso.
Por alguna razon, al poner la foto en el blog le pasa algo raro, porque la parte negra deberia ser totalmente negra, y aqui parece que tiene algo....