Sunday, June 30, 2013

day 30

El cementerio Bukit Brown es un viejo cementerio chino, el mas grande fuera de China. Estaba un poco olvidado, pero se esta haciendo famoso porque quiere construir una autovia que lo atravesaria. Esta situado en un bosque tropical, por lo que hay que llevar ropa apropiada, no como fuimos nosotros, porque las hormigas muerden!

Bukit Brown Cemetery is the largest Chinese Cemetery outside China. Even some Singaporeans didn't know about it, but it is now "famous" because a highway is planed to cross it. It is located in a rainforest, so it is important to wear the right clothes or ants, among other bugs, will bit you!

day 29

En el desfile del dia nacional, aunque no entiendo que fuera el sabado, si el dia nacional es en Agosto. Con despliegue militar aereo incluido, claro.

This was is during the National Day Parade, although I don't understand why it was on Saturday, if the national day is in August. Of course, there was a military air show.

day 28

Los caracteres chinos me llaman mucho la atencion.  Estoy intentando aprender un poco de chino, aunque no se el significado de este.

Chinese characters are so interesting. I'm trying to learn some Chinese, but I don't know the meaning of this one.

Friday, June 28, 2013

day 27

Imagino que esta decoracion tendra algun significado.

I guess this kind of decoration has a meaning, but I don't know it....

day 26

Tenia pensado salir por la tarde a hacer fotos, pero se ha puesto a llover. Este es otro de mis proyectos, ahora tengo que ponerme a coser!

I planned to go out in the afternoon, but it was raining. This is another project I have, now I have to start sewing!

day 25

Aun sigo con el cubo de rubik, a ver si soy capaz de hacerlo en menos movimientos :)

I keep playing Rubik cube, trying to solve it using less number of moves

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

day 24

Ya sabeis donde, no?

I don't need to say where it is, right?

day 23

Si, estan patinando sobre hielo. Se hace raro cuando fuera hay 30 grados. Pero parece que tiene bastante exito, quizas porque se esta fresquito.

They are ice-skating. It is pretty odd when the outside temperature is 30 Celsius degrees. But maybe because it is cold there, it is more successful :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

day 22

El humo nos ha dado un pequeno descanso y hemos podido salir un poco. Esto el paseo entre VivoCity y Sentosa
Esta un poco movida.... pero para ser sin tripode no tengo mal pulso

The haze gave us a break and we could go out. This is the Sentosa Boardwalk, the path that connects VivoCity and Sentosa.

day 21

Menudos dias llevamos con el humo.... estas mascarillas se han agotado!!! yo intento no salir mucho, aunque tengo una por si acaso.

The air quality is still pretty bad, and masks are sold out in Singapore!!! I try to stay at home as much as possible, but I have a mask, just in case.

Friday, June 21, 2013

day 20

La calidad del aire sigue siendo muy mala, pero ya que estaba en Orchard Road, he aprovechado.

The air quality is still pretty bad, but since I was in Orchard Road, I took this photo.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

day 19

Esta mañana parecia que el humo de los dos ultimos dias se habia ido, pero a medio dia ha vuelto con mas fuerza, asi que no he podido salir. Sobre la foto poco que comentar, los pies son feos.

It looked like the haze we had the last two days was gone this morning, but it came back at noon, so I couldn't go out this afternoon. Just one comment about this photo, I don't like feet

day 18

Haw Par Villa

day 17

Happy birthday to me! :)

Tengo que practicar mas el autorretrato

I need to practice more the self-portrait

Sunday, June 16, 2013

day 16

En la "city"

We went to the "city" today

day 15

Esta escultura, de Robert Indiana, esta cerca de Orchard Road. La encontre cuando fui a ver una exposicion de la fotografa Ulrike Ottinger al Goethe Institute. Ayer volvi a ir con Fulvio.

This is the sculture of Robert Indiana, and it is near Orchard Road. I found it the other day whe I went a few days ago to the Goethe Institute for a Ulrike Ottinger's photography exhibition. I went again with Fulvio yesterday.

day 14

Si, en Haw Par Villa

Yes, it is at Haw Par Villa

Friday, June 14, 2013

day 13

En el centro comercial  ION Orchard, en Orchard Road. He quedado alli por la mañana para practicar chino.

At ION Orchard shopping mall, in Orchard Road. I met other expats here this morning to practice Chinese.

day 12

La tarde no estaba para salir a la calle.
Quiero un macro!!!

The weather wasn't very good this afternoon to go for a walk.
I want a macro lens!

day 11

El martes estuve en Orchard Road, y aproveche que hay trafico para hacer esta foto. Me costo un buen rato, pero me gusta el resultado :)

I was in Orchard Road on Tuesday, and since there is pretty much traffic, I took this photo. It took me a while and many shoots, but I'm happy with the result :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

day 10

Una de las columnas en la entrada de Haw Par Villa.

At Haw Par Villa entrance.

Monday, June 10, 2013

day 9

La "caza" de bichos ha tenido resultado!!! Esta mariposa decidio posar para nosotros un rato; aunque probablemente su intencion, con esas alas tan abiertas, era asustarnos.Que suerte!!!

The bugs "hunting" finally yield benefits!!! This butterfly posed for us for almost 1 minute. Although its intention probably was to scare us with its wide open wings. We were so lucky!!

day 8

El sabado fuimos a dar una vuelta y pasamos por aqui, el Anderson Waves Bridge, un puente peatonal que une Telok Blangah Hill Park y Mount Faber Park.

We went on Saturday for a walk, and crossed the Anderson Waves Bridge, a pedestrian bridge that connects Telok Blangah Hill Park and Mount Faber Park

Sunday, June 9, 2013


He vuelto a Haw Par Villa, pero me ha llamado la atencion esta flor.

I came back to Haw Par Villa, but I liked this flower.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

day 6

Hoy no estaba demasiado inspirada y la foto no acaba de convencerme, pero me gustan los colores.

I wasn't very inspired today, but I like the colors.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

day 5

Hoy la foto es de Haw Par Villa, un parque que hay al lado de donde vivo. Esta lleno de figuras como esta, que representan diferentes escenas de la mitologia china, su folklore e historia.
Sin duda ire mas por alli.

Today's picture is at Haw Par Villa, a park near my place. It's full with statues like this one, that represent different scenes from the Chinese mythology, it's folklore and history.
I'm sure I'll go there again.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

day 4

Por poco se me olvida hoy la foto! Asi que la he hecho de lo que mas a mano tenia :) Podia haberle quitado el polvo, pero me gusta el resultado

I almost forget the photo today!  So I chose what I had at hand :) I could have cleaned it before, but I like it.

Monday, June 3, 2013

day 3

Una foto que queria hacer. Aunque no se si un libro de Stephen King era el mas apropiado, jeje!!

This is a photo I wanted to take. Although I'm not sure if a Stephen King's book was the best option, hehe!

day 2

Hoy la foto la he hecho en casa. Seguire probando para mejorar la iluminacion

Today I took the picture at home. I need to improve the light.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

day 1

Hoy hemos ido al jardin botanico, asi que voy a empezar con este foto. Aunque realmente habiamos ido a hacer fotos a bichos

We went this morning to the botanic gardens, so I'll start the challenge with this photo.

empezando el reto

Buscando fotos el otro dia en Internet lei sobre este reto. Se trata de hacer una foto cada dia durante un año. Como este mes cumplo 30, he pensado que seria un buen momento para empezarlo. En principio quiero hacer las fotos siempre con la camara, aunque quizas sea un poco dificil, asi que no descarto que alguna sea con el movil. Lo que no se es si sere capaz tambien de ir publicandolas a diario, pero lo intentare! Pues nada, a ver si soy capaz de llegar a la foto numero 365 :)

I found about this challenge a few days ago. The idea is to take a photo every day during one year. Since this month it is my birthday and I'll be 30, I thought it would be a good time to start it. I'll try to take every picture with my camera, but it might be quite difficult sometimes, so it is possible I use my cellphone too. I'll try to post the photo everyday, but I cant promise it!  
Let's see if I can reach the 365th photo :)